Sunday, December 04, 2005

At Last, Winter 

Snow today -- not the year's first fall, but the first of any significance, fluffy and largeflaked and constant since long before kids, spouse and I awoke together on a sleepy Sunday. Our wooded landscape turns to winter before our eyes, white-on-pine and bright enough to make indoor lighting unecessary even in relative clouds.

The neighbors we have not yet met can be seen midmorning trudging uphill through the woods we share, carrying guns; we keep the animals close, just in case, though really neither dog nor cat has any interest in more than a perfunctory romp. The cat meowls accusatory from door to door as cats do when confronted with climate change, as if somewhere there was a door into summer, and, as keepers, it is our fault for not yet finding it.

The plowman calls around noon from work: can he come plow after ten p.m.? Better so than not at all, we decide, and peek out the window, where the driveway piles up to three inches of packed powder and the whiteout continues slow and steady. I move the car to the foot of the drive in preparation for tonight's John Gorka concert down Iron Horse way, add "build a gravel pull-off at the foot of the driveway" to the longterm project list: though I know it will never happen, it feels like accomplishing something merely to write it down.

Some snow poems from years past:

Deer Tonight
How Winter Come On
Words For Snow
Winter Comes To Shadow Lake
Winter Song

posted by boyhowdy | 12:47 PM |

The cat meowls accusatory from door to door as cats do when confronted with climate change, as if somewhere there was a door into summer, and, as keepers, it is our fault for not yet finding it.

Well-said. That's it exactly.

Our cat, for her part, has settled in to her usual winter perch, watching the "bird feeder tv" outside the window... :-)
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