Saturday, April 30, 2005

Mall Crawl 

A late start to a rainy day at the mall today, but a triumph nonetheless; after spending out the baby shower gift certificates and then some, we left the place with some nice new "twirling dresses" for the surprisingly peaceful two-year-old and, most importantly, a tandem stroller. You know you've sunk deep into the parenting thing when you find yourself putting a stroller together under the mall escalators merely in order to make it through the rest of the visit with your sanity intact.

On the other hand, pre-stroller purchase, I got a lot of cute stares and wistful, appreciative smiles while walking around holding the two week old, most especially from young hispanic girls. Sadly, there may be something notable here about the lack of committed fathers in the local, mostly lower-class hispanic communities surrounding the mall.

On the jobfront, hours spent carefully crafting an application for a History position at a teaching peer's alma mater will have to be chalked up to experience after my digital inquiry netted an equally rapid response that, though the position had literally been posted just a few days ago, it has already been offered to someone, and they think he'll accept. I'm left with a few still-unanswered applications out there, a couple of vague "opportunities" from relatives and friends, and not much else on the horizon.

Let's be honest about this: we're not at "grim" yet, but we're getting close. I'm nowhere near as depressed as I was about the whole process last month -- having that new baby changes the perspective -- but realistically, there is a good chance that we'll still be jobless and homeless the day we have to leave the current house and job (that would be June 24th). We've got plenty of offers to family-crash, but that's eminently temporary. Another week, and I'm seriously going to start polishing my sandwich-making skills.

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