Sunday, March 20, 2005

Lazy Sunday: Tidbits 

Since I was the one who ruined the dried-out play-doh (hint: no matter what anyone tells you, adding water does NOT reconstitute the doh), we had an impromptu Daddy Day today. The toy store didn't open until noon, but Cafe Koko had some comfy chairs and cookies ready for us, and the kid and I had a decent time wandering and window-shopping down the increasingly balmy streets of downtown Greenfield, MA. Chinese food afterwards, since lunch is cheaper there than the yellow arches. Car wash, too, since the kid loves the car wash.

Since our two o'clock return to a much-rested, too-pregnant love of our lives, I've been at the library, enjoying the last few moments of silence before the students swarm back from break, their enviable tans exposed under goosepimpled shorts. I had plenty of work to do, so of course I'm playing the ever-so-addictive Slide Out. (It's by Nabisco. Ping!)

Not much happening in the digiverse to report, though. All my favorite Mp3 bloggers (and many of my favorite techbloggers, and a bunch of random film critics I know little about) are away at SXSW. I'm seriously jealous, but out of work Daddies don't get to go to Texas for a week's worth of fun. Lucky for me, there's the real world.

posted by boyhowdy | 4:09 PM |

Play doh doesnt taste too good either. I used to play with my set during Welcome Back Kotter.

Ah, memories...
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