Sunday, May 23, 2004

It's All Been Done 

Seems to me we had a day just like today this time last year. The Mall with Darcie and Willow: dress clothes for upcoming all-school special dress events; four silk ficuses and some posterboard for Darcie's prom set-up; dreams of rescuing kittens from the tiny mall pet store. The Holyoke Merry-Go-Round on the way home, where, despite months of development and begging since the last visit, Willow continues to be a bit reticent about getting on, and eager to get off after just two half-happy rides. The underclass prize assembly, watching once again the same kids get three or four prizes while the kids I know and love, the losers and geeks, get mostly no recognition at all, and resent being there.

Funny how the rituals of end of year lend themselves to almost identical blogentries. The once-again hardly bears repeating; even last night's first-of-the-year trip to the drive-in went much like last year's opening weekend, from the mediocre movie (Shreck 2) half-seen due to child-whining distraction to the short but gleeful trip to the playground before darkness fell. We change but are the same, the world cycles back and forth like a pendulum beneath our static lives. Is there truly anything new under the sun?

posted by boyhowdy | 8:51 PM |

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