Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Why I (Still) Love Customers Suck

Post 3533701: As overheard by Alyssa, Pottery Barn retail wage slave.

Xerox Box Man
Note: I never interacted with this man, but I was subjected to him, so it counts.
XBMan (on cell phone):it's in the basement, in a Xerox box.
A Xerox box.
No, a Xerox box.
A Xerox box.
A Xerox box.
A Xerox box.
A Xerox box.
Let me spell it for you...X-E-rox.
A Xerox box.
No, not like "rocks" like "rox," with an X.
No, there's an X at the end.
There's an X at the end and at the beginning.
A Xerox box.
A Xerox box.
A Xerox box.
In the basement...A Xerox box.
It says Xerox on the box.
It's a Xerox box.
A Xerox box.
A Xerox box.
It's a big....box. And it says....Xerox.

Customers Suck is the only Livejournal community I read regularly. It's inconsistent in quality, grammar and syntax and, due to its retail focus, skewed more than most online community spaces towards the adolescent. But as a window into the way we all look at our worst consumer-ego moments, it's priceless; once or twice a day, it makes me laugh out loud. Not too shabby for a little whine in the wilderness.

posted by boyhowdy | 9:59 PM |

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